In recent years the number of Christmas cards we receive in the mail has dramatically diminished. The few I receive tend to be professional family photographs or vacation pictures, with everyone looking prosperous and happy.
Let's face it; 2020 has been a challenging year. Pictures of family vacations, parties, weddings, or graduations will likely not be on the 2020 card. (I am already envisioning family pics with masks covering half of our faces! Ugh!)
What is our real purpose anyway for sending Christmas cards? Staying updated with friends and family, of course, is a consideration. I challenge you to see something more in-depth here.
I believe the Christmas letter is a true gift of hope. And I think we all could use as much hope this season as we can find. My encouragement to you is to send out that 2020 Christmas letter!

4 Tips for Your Christmas Letter 2020 Style
1. Be real. But not boring real. Give a few interesting details of what you are doing and a few successes or failures you have had. I once had a friend who sent out a letter every year describing in extreme detail facts about her children, including their height, weight, shoe size, etc. It was so dull that it was laughable! Don't be that person. Maybe you have started a new hobby or have become more involved in an old one. Randy and I have always been walkers, but we have turned into avid twice a day walkers during this pandemic. I will mention that in my Christmas letter.
2. Print the form letter with the news you would like to share with everyone on your list. It is nice to add a personal handwritten comment at the bottom for a few select people on your list. Keep your news upbeat and positive. My husband Randy reminds me frequently there is a positive way to say just about anything. We have all reached milestones, even if celebrated differently. Share them and share what made them different.
3. Include a fun snapshot. Yes, things have been different! It's okay. Share it! One or two big pictures are better than many small pics that no one can see or understand. We celebrated our first Thanksgiving outside this year. We were so grateful for the beautiful weather so that we could pull off our picnic-style Thanksgiving! A group of grandchildren played with a big ball in the backyard, and another group was digging in the sandbox ... right by the long tables set up to eat on. I figured a little sand never hurt anyone. It was all good and fun and again, the day was sunny, lucky us. I am likely to include a picture of us all around the outdoor table, sand and all. Whatever your days have looked like, your friends are interested. The important thing here is to connect authentically. We have all missed that so much in this covid season.
4. Make it pretty and bright! Use your creativity and add a personal touch of brightness to your letter by printing on colored paper or using clip art, or better yet, make your own doodles with a fine tip sharpie and colored markers to add color around the border. Write an orginal poem or quotes of inspiration.
We are bringing hope into our friend's homes by sending our little notes of love ... what a big way to share during this Christmas season. Most importantly, by reaching out and communicating with our loved ones, we remember the reason for the season!
2020 a perfect year?
Yes or no, be a dear,
and send a note to friends far and near
bringing love, hope, and holiday cheer!